Dayo Dental Review From a Health and Beauty Critic

As you know, aside from travelling to Mexico by yourself with Dayo’s assistance, we also have an optional charter van service.  The shuttle service takes people from the Phoenix Area to their Los Algodones dentists.

We received a surprise handwritten letter from a client named Calie, who shared her Dayo Dental review and experience.  She’s completed her teeth restoration through our team of Los Algodones dentists.  She must have written the letter to pass time during her day trip with Dayo to Algodones.

Calie is also a health and … Read more

Testimonial Review | No Problems with Dayo Dental |

As you know, aside from travelling to Mexico by yourself with Dayo’s assistance, we also have an optional charter van service.  The shuttle service takes people from the Phoenix Area to their Los Algodones dentists.

We received a surprise handwritten letter from a client named Calie, who shared her Dayo Dental review and experience.  She’s completed her teeth restoration through our team of Los Algodones dentists.  She must have written the letter to pass time during her day trip with Dayo to Algodones.

Calie is also a health and beauty critic, compiling a book about “The Best of the Best” health and beauty experts for Americans.

Testimonial Review | No Problems with Dayo Dental Reviews
A page from a critic’s handwritten review about Dayo Dental

Here’s a transcript of her letter.

Let’s say you are in great need of a good dentist, but are cash poor, with no dental insurance. You’ve considered going to Mexico to have some work done, but you’re scared. You are scared for two reasons: You fear for your safety and you fear for a good dental outcome. You’ve heard plenty of horror stories – all well documented reviews, but you still don’t have the means to seek out a good dentist in the United States, so what do you do?

You look up Dayo Dental on the internet or you call 877-987-3296 and you will have taken the first step to finding a safe, reliable dentist in a safe, reliable location in Mexico. Best of all, they’ll even help you get there.

When I was trying to research ‘Best of the Best’ in dental implants, it never even occurred to me that there was a Dr. Carlos Rubio – ten minutes away from the U.S. border nestled in a small community called Los Algodones.

This little, tiny town boasts 300 dentists, medical clinics and numerous pharmacies all within about 4 or 5 blocks of each other. You can park on the U.S. side and walk right into town and you will suddenly feel like you just got off a cruise ship to explore a small Mexican village.

If you don’t speak the language and you don’t have some very good inside information, you won’t have a clue as to which dentist is really good and which one is not.

Thankfully, Dayo Dental has done all of the guess work for you. They have interviewed, tested out and received plenty of positive feedback on any dentist they use or recommend. Any dentist who receives negative reviews from a Dayo Dental client is dropped from the list.

But Dayo Dental does not just have okay, ‘can do the job’ type of dentists on their list. They have Dr. Rubio who gets our vote of ‘best of the best’ dental implant surgeon out there. I mean he’s really worth the trip!

My experience with Dayo Dental included many, many van trips from Phoenix to Los Algodones.

This little town is located about 10 minutes out of Yuma, Arizona. It’s on the California side of the U.S. border and just minutes away from a large Quechan Casino.

Typically, the Dayo Dental van leaves early on a Saturday morning. It takes about 3 ½ hours to get there and includes a rest stop along the way. The first van trip is free. After that, the fee to ride in the van is $45 (Saturdays) or $60 (Fridays).

Occasionally, Dayo Dental will leave even earlier in the morning – think 5:00 A.M. – to get there for patients who need to be there for multiple appointments all day long.

But back to the Saturday trips. There are always a variety of clients who have come from around the United States and I’ve rarely been in the van when someone from Canada or Europe was not included. I’ve even been on trips when someone from the media (besides me) has come to call. For example, one of the main Japanese stations (NHK Japan) decided to send a film crew (from Japan) to spend a few days filming a Dayo Dental – excursion, Mexican dentistry experience. Once there, the crew (along with their English speaking director), spent hours interviewing Dr. Rubio and the dentistry experience. Who would have thought the Japanese might be willing to fly all the way to Arizona and then drive to Mexico to have some dental work done, but I guess if they’re planning a trip to see the Grand Canyon, they might as well spend an extra day and get some work done on their teeth.  Another international news agency, Al Jazeera, has expressed interest in the same story.

Dayo Dental was also featured by an ASU Walter Cronkite communications / film student, who came with camera and tons of questions – all in hopes of producing the best documentary for a prestigious competition he was hoping to win.

The conversation on the van varies, depending on the age, sex, opinions and personalities of the clients. There really isn’t a predictable banter going on. A lot of people are just trying to catch up on their sleep.

Once there, the van driver will walk all the newbies to their destinations. Between 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. everyone’s appointment will be completed. If you get finished early, you may want to walk through the Bazaar and check out what’s for sale, or grab a bite to eat at one of the few restaurants in town.

At 2:00 P.M., everyone meets at a certain restaurant so they can go through customs and make sure no one gets left behind (Yes, you will need your passport). Sometimes the line is long and sometimes you can get through rather quickly.

Once in the van, the driver will stop for gas on the U.S. side and at a fast foods restaurant for some fast food.

Then, we all head back to Phoenix. The van makes a rest stop and then once in the Valley, it will stop on the S.W. side for clients who have parked at a mall in that location, and then on the East side for clients like me – who reside in Tempe, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley or other cities in that location.

How many trips you make to Mexico depends on the condition of your teeth and the amount of work you’re having completed. I know of one lady who just likes to go to get her teeth cleaned and enjoy the adventure of it all.

You do get an extra discount for being a Dayo Dental client with Dr. Rubio’s team in Algodones.  I have compared prices with the local dental school clinic. Dayo Dental and Mexico are cheaper. Some dental insurance plans are accepted but check to make sure, if you plan to use your insurance.

I’ve never found the Dayo Dental people to be anything but professional, polite, diplomatic and friendly.

I do not recommend trying to figure out how to have an exceptional dental experience in Mexico without help. Our research tells us that Dayo Dental deserves a ‘Best of the Best’ rating.

Calie Anderson Journalist Specializing in the Science of all things related to health and beauty — always on the lookout for new, cutting edge discoveries, research and specialists who can make a difference

In order to make the “Best of the Best” list, the individual or business has to:

  • have innovated or discovered something that is truly useful, helpful, safe and enhances the possibilities of achieving more successful outcomes;

  • be very, very, very good at what they do. We mean they have to be the very best we could find, or

  • offer a meaningful and useful service with great professionalism that is so needed but difficult to find.

About the Company

Dayo Dental

Dayo Dental is a US-based company helping American and Canadian customers find the most reputable and qualified dentists in Mexico. Through Dayo Dental Network of pre-vetted dental practitioners, clients can find the top dentists in their field offering top-notch dental services for, often times, a fraction of the cost of US/Canadian prices.

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